Tag Archives: agnostic

Why Atheism Does Not Exist – Part 2

First, let me start off by saying that this really is not a continuation of the original post, but I titled this the same in order to bring back some of the readers and such. In addition, I will admit that I wrote the first post with the wrong motives in mind – I was writing it at a time when I had very few readers and I was trying to get more hits on my blog, yes, it was pathetic, I know. However, that is not to say I am changing my views, I stand behind what I wrote, but with this post, I am just going to look at the definition of atheism and why it is self-defeating.

My premise in making the statement, atheism does not exist, is based on the strict definition of atheism. So overall, I am saying at the most a person can be agnostic. I am not going to consider “weak atheism” vs. “strong atheism” because that is like saying “weak Christianity” vs. “strong Christianity” – it is a cop out. “Weak Christianity” doesn’t exist either. There are only two positions. Either you are a believer – one who has repented and placed faith in Jesus Christ – or you are a non-believer. Continue reading

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Why Atheism Does Not Exist

Notice how I titled this thing “Why Atheism Does Not Exist,” and not “Why I Believe Atheism Does Not Exist.” I did this because it is not only what I believe, it is also because it is a fact.

The Bible does not acknowledge atheism in any form. The Bible says that all men know that there is a God. Where does it say this you ask? Well, I am glad you asked.

Romans 1:19-20 tells us “because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

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